Start event Solar Butterfly with BRUGG eConnect in Brugg-Windisch

Solar Butterfly

BRUGG eConnect invites everyone to the solar butterfly start event. What is the Solar Butterfly Project all about? This is the first solar-powered Tiny House on wheels, a true world premiere. But it’s not just about the unique, innovative Tiny House on wheels, it’s also about the journey ahead. Because now is the right time […]

BRUGG eConnect at Petroleum Istanbul


The interest in fast charging infrastructure solutions is growing rapidly! Turkey is also increasingly turning to fast-charging solutions. For this reason, Solutions2Charge is presenting the charging system solutions of BRUGG eConnect AG at Petroleum Istanbul. This is extremely exciting, as this is primarily a fuel trade fair in the classic sense. But there, too, one […]

BRUGG eConnect charging plug in the newspaper “Blick”!

Urs Pfister

This week Blick reported a shortage of e-charging stations. The new BRUGG eConnect AG charging plug is prominently visible. With its fast charging systems, BRUGG eConnect AG is making an important contribution to the electrification of transport.We were particularly pleased to see Urs Pfister, an expert in e-mobility, at the charging station near the Freshbalken […]

BRUGG eConnect Innovations at eMOTION


A new charging plug is used in Würenlos, which also sets new standards in terms of robustness and safety. Patrick Kern, CEO of BRUGG eConnect, explains: “In the future, more electric trucks will also be on the roads in Switzerland. That’s why we wanted to develop a plug that is even more robust as well […]

First press event of BRUGG eConnect

Pressebericht GoFast

Together with the Swiss SMEs GOFAST and EVTEC, BRUGG eConnect today inaugurated the latest fast charging stations in Würenlos at the “Freshbalken” shopping area. Not one but two Swiss innovations are implemented in the charging station by GOFAST, thus offering maximum safety during charging. The charging station manufacturer EVTEC guarantees maximum safety for all end […]

BRUGG eConnect at the Expo Energietechnik

Expo Energietechnik

On the 1st and 2nd of September we enjoyed the perfect weather at the Expo Energietechnik in Niederurnen. For the first time we were at a trade fair as BRUGG eConnect. Our fresh and modern appearance was well received by the audience.  With our new counter, plants and our office chairs we were able to […]

New in the product portfolio: BRUGG eConnect Wallbox


We are pleased to announce that BRUGG eConnect has added an 11 kW and 22 kW wallbox to its product portfolio. This great device is state of the art and shows on the intuitive 5-inch display all the information about the charging status and process when charging an electric car. We are particularly proud that […]

Product innovation CC2-plug “Compact”

CC2 Stecker

Electric cars are just the beginning of the electrification of vehicles. Electrically powered trucks, construction vehicles, ships and small aircraft are currently being developed. For this, the Swiss cable manufacturer BRUGG eConnect has presented an innovation that offers a solution for these tough conditions. According to the Swiss Federal Council, there should be around 3.6 […]

Webinar about high power charging solutions of the future


On 21 April at 16:00 to 16:30, our Product Manager, Albert Martinez, will report on the innovations and future of fast charging systems for e-mobility.The focus will be on the following questions: How will the next generation of e-vehicles and electric trucks be charged? What will charging look like in racing? How can a charging […]

NZZ reports about our high power charging systems


Electric cars are gaining ground in Switzerland. Now the truck manufacturers are going one step further. The first electric trucks are being pushed, which also increases the demand for powerful high power charging systems. Since electric trucks process significantly higher charging currents, BRUGG eConnect has developed a prototype that can process charging currents of up […]