BRUGG Group increases profits again

Bild Geschäftsleitung BRUGG Group vor BRUGG Pipes Gebäude Jahresbericht

From left: Chairman of the Board of Directors Jürg Suhner, Martin Rigaud, Head of District Heating, Urs Bopp, CFO BRUGG Pipes, and Stephan Wartmann, CEO BRUGG Group, in front of the Brugg Pipes plant in Böttstein.

The globally active industrial group BRUGG Group has realigned itself and increases profits again.
The profit shows that the realignment of the company has paid off. Consolidated sales rose by 11 percent from CHF 579 million to CHF 640 million.

The BRUGG Group management was at a turning point in 2020, when it decided to divest its high-voltage division. On 1. March 2020, BRUGG Kabel AG, one of the Group’s five divisions,
was integrated into the Italian Terna Group. This was a break with tradition and at the same time a strategic change with a future. Since then all the Group’s activities have focused on three megatrends: Energy transition, sustainability and infrastructure protection. “We want to shape the energy transition,” said Board member Jürg Suhner, putting the new focus in a nutshell. The new direction in a nutshell: “and we are bringing concrete solutions.” This link between visionary thinking and down-to-earthness is expressed in the BRUGG Group’s new corporate culture.

“We want to create a connection between shareholders and products,” said Suhner. It pays to involve customers closely and intensively in innovation, Stephan Stephan Wartmann, the Group’s CEO, who presented the figures for the entire figures for the entire group and the individual divisions.

As the youngest pillar of the group, our turnover has doubled within three years to 34 million Swiss francs. This corresponds to an increase of 35 percent.

The other divisions of the Group were able to increase their profits as follows Fatzer by 23 percent, BRUGG Lifting by 3 percent and BRUGG Real Estate by 8 percent.
Real Estate achieved a profit of 8 percent. Due to bottlenecks in the first half of the year, Rittmeyer posted a 3.1% lower profit.


Read the full article on ihre region online, Learn more about the BRUGG Group here!

Read more of this in our Annual report 2022 here!

Information on the other divisions of the BRUGG Group can be found here: BRUGG Pipes, BRUGG Lifting, BRUGG Fatzer, GEOBRUGG, Rittmeyer, BRUGG Real Estate

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