Evironmental Policy

Evironmental Policy BRUGG eConnect

Continuous improvement of the environmental performance
We are committed to eco-friendly business operations and to a continuous improvement of our environmental performance. We provide the resources and structures necessary in this respect. Our environmental management system is an integral part of the overall management system and is periodically reviewed within this framework.
In addition to a positive economic and environmental contribution, it is the social aspects that are considered to be the third dimension of a sustainable corporate
management and thus to be a key factor of a continuous development.

Involvement of the customers
The fulfillment of customer requirements is mandatory for us unless they conflict with legal requirements, the environmental compatibility or our corporate policy.
It is also in the interest of our customers that we comply with all legal requirements.

Compliance with laws and regulations
Legal requirements and regulations, legal obligations, legal norms and claims admitted by us are fulfilled by us without exception.
Regular instructions and audits serve to monitor our compliance with legal requirements and relevant norms.

Eco-friendly processes
We strive to avoid unnecessary emissions to the environment and to reduce unavoidable emissions. We strive for an optimized u se of energy in all processes and areas.
The plants, machines, vehicles and appliances are regularly serviced so as to ensure eco-friendly operations.
Taking into account ecological and economical aspects, we apply state of the art resources to this end.
The efficiency of the measures is reviewed on a regular basis. Risks are limited within the framework of the emergency preparedness.

Eco friendly technologies and products
The products, plants and services produced and sold by us are designed to be eco-friendly and energy saving over their entire life cycle.
The ecological aspects are already taken into account in the development and design process.
We assess the environmental impacts of new activities, products and processes in advance.
We keep our customers informed about the relevant environmental aspects of our products, operations, services and plants.

Awareness of our staff members
Our staff members are trained to be capable of accepting their ecological responsibility during work and leisure activities.

Commitment of our suppliers and contractors
We prefer suppliers and contractors who act in accordance with ecological principles, and we support our suppliers and contractors in their efforts regarding
environmental protection.
Using appropriate defined selection and assessment procedures we ensure that our key suppliers that our key suppliers are cap able of applying the principles of our
environmental policy.

Contacts to agencies and stakeholders
We cooperate with agencies in an open and active manner. We maintain a straightforward communication with all stakeholders st riving for a relationship of trust.

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