Safety Policy

Safety Policy BRUGG eConnect

Industrial safety and health
The protection of life and health of our staff members is deemed to be a primary and self evident obligation. Thus, we take all safety measures that are necessary according to our experience, applicable according to the state of the art and adapted to the conditions prevailing.
We are concerned for a safe and health preserving work environment and we promote the personal responsibility of our staff members for their safety and health.
The safety and health management system is an integral part of the overall management system and is periodically reviewed and continuously improved within this
framework. For the prevention and reduction of accidents, occupational diseases and health impacts we take adequate measures minimizing the risks. We take preventive measures to prevent accidents as far as possible and we derive measures from accidents occurred to prevent a repetition of such accidents.

Compliance with laws and regulations
The legal requirements and regulations, legal obligations, legal norms and claims admitted by us are fulfilled by us without exception. Regular instructions and audits serve to monitor our compliance with legal requirements and relevant norms.

Protection of property
We protect data and knowledge (including intellectual property) as well as operational and production facilities against unauthorized access and system related
Only authorized persons are granted access to our premises. In order to prevent the occurrence of loss events and/or to mitigate the consequences of such events,
we take appropriate measures. The premises and buildings of our Company are kept tidy and clean. Safety of our products, systems, services and plants
We only market systems, services and plants that comply with the relevant national and international safety regulations, standards and guidelines. We keep our
customers informed about the safety aspects of our products, systems, services and plants in connection with their operation, maintenance and disposal.

Awareness of our staff members
We ensure that all of our staff members participate in safety and health instructions and are trained in safety and health aspects so that they accept their responsibility during work and leisure activities.

Commitment of our suppliers and contractors
We prefer suppliers and contractors who attach a high value to industrial safety and health protection and deliver products, systems, services and plants
that meet our safety requirements.
Contractors who work in our premises or carry out installations on behalf of us must adhere to our safety standards.
Using appropriate defined selection and assessment procedures we ensure that our key suppliers are capable of applying the principles of our safety policy.

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